Þann 8. desember n.k. mun Framvís – Samtök vísifjárfesta boða til ráðstefnu um fjárfestingar í sprotafyrirtækjum. Meðal fyrirlesara verður sjóðsstjóri Kríu sem mun falla um aðdragandann að stofnun Kríu, tilgang og markmið sjóðsins ásamt því að fjalla um hvernig Kría fjárfestir.
Frekari upplýsingar um viðburðinn er að finna: https://www.framvis.is/event-info/fyrirtaeki-framtidarinnar-hugvitsdrifid-hagkerfi
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): www.kriaventures.is/umsoknir. VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at umsoknir@kriaventures.is.
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): www.kriaventures.is/umsoknir. VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at umsoknir@kriaventures.is