Opnað hefur verið fyrir umsóknir frá sérhæfðum sjóðum um fjárfestingu frá Kríu – sprota- og nýsköpunarsjóði. Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 3. nóvember 2021. Frekari upplýsingar eru að finna á vefslóð www.kriaventures.is/umsoknir
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): www.kriaventures.is/umsoknir. VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at umsoknir@kriaventures.is.
Information on the requirements for Kría’s investment funding and the supporting documents for the application can be found on the following website (in Icelandic): www.kriaventures.is/umsoknir. VCs interested in applying and satisfy the conditions for investment by Kría can obtain an application form and information on the required supporting documents by enquiring at umsoknir@kriaventures.is